The Life Coaching Classroom podcast offers women the education to fast track through the meh and mundane of life while slowing down in the magical of life through the transformational process of reinvention. Change is the only thing constant in life but we have become so absorbed in the status quo...the comfort zone. Yet there’s something inside you that still longs for more... Something more fulfilling... The reigniting of the fire in your soul... The Life Coaching Classroom will walk you down the blazing hallways of life so that you can reconnect to the beautifully aligned expansiveness of your truest self. See you in class!
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Trust Test: How Trustworthy is the Bill Gates Ultimate Solution?
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
In uncertain times. one's trust is challenged. There are lots of questions that arise during these times as well. I have lots of questions as well. Today's episode addresses one question and it will have to go through a trust test...your trust test. That questions is 'How Trustworthy is the Bill Gates Ultimate Solution?'.
Bill Gates was interviewed on The Daily Social Distancing Show where he shared his 'Ultimate Solution' to the coronavirus. That solution is to globally vaccinate people before going back to normal and mass gatherings.
Why are vaccines the only solution to health? Hmmm.... Keep in mind, I am not anti-vaccine. I am informed choice. Let people make their own decision as to what is best for them. One size doesn't fit all.
In this podcast, I go back in time and share some important interactions Bill Gates has had. I have barely scratched the surface of this. Are these all coincidences? Lots of questions arise.
Your health is your biggest asset. How will you invest in it? In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. Do your research. Use different web browsers. Connect your dots. Move out of fear. The low vibe state will not serve you.
You get to decide the answer to that question. Run it through your trust test.
Be Uncommon. Live Uncommon. Build Your Life with Uncommon Vibes.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Lessons from a Layoff Experience
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Layoffs are definitely very real right now. If you are in that position, know that I'm thinking of you.
When I was a teacher, I went through the whole layoff experience. It was one of the most scary and stressful times of my life and it impacted all areas of my life.
As I reflect on that time, I can go back to those moments, thoughts and feelings in an instant and it all feels like it's happening in real time.
In this video, I share 3 things that I wish someone would have shared with me when I was experiencing a layoff to support me through it in a different way.
If you want additional support, feel free to DM me.
Don't forget to subscribe so that get the next episode when it drops. Go build your life with uncommon vibes.
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Lead with Ladders and Love
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
What do you do when you are trying to support someone with your product, service, energy, positivity, etc and they are just not receptive to it?
It can be frustrating because you see something more in them than they could ever see in themselves. That can be somewhat uncomfortable to the receipent.
Remember, it's their journey not yours. Your job is to lead with ladders and love.
In this video, I share 3 stages that people go through. Regardless of the stage someone is in, remember to stay in the uncommon vibe state and lead with ladders and love.
People won't necessarily remember what you said to them, but they will remembrer how you made them feel.
How will you go about today and upcoming days leading with ladders and love? Drop a comment below and let me know! Let's share these ideas to support one another.
Don't forget to download 'Building a Life with Uncoomon Vibes' here:
Drop me a DM on Instagram or Messenger and let me know what stage you are in.
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Releasing the Hard in the Chaos
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
We've all experienced things that we have perceived as hard in our life. It could have been today, yesterday 3 weeks ago, 90 days ago, a year ago, a decade get my point.
Have you ever stopped to think about what you consider hard in your life?
How do you identify hard?
There's a lot of things happening in the new normal right now that are causing stress that inevitably leads to feeling hard.
In order to release the hard, you'll want to ask yourself the 3 questions I share in this video. Get honest with yourself...
If you want to release the hard in the chaos, you have to create awareness so that you can let something better in.
There's also a quick bonus at the end to support you as well!
Let me know what you received from this episode. Be sure to navigate the transitions of life by grabbing the Building with Uncommon Vibes pdf here:
Shoot me a DM on Messenger or Instagram and let me know where you feel challenged. Would love to give you support. We're all in this together using Uncommon Vibes.
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Navigating a New Normal
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Sometimes in life things don't feel quite whole...
And when they don't feel whole, we begin searching for answers. During this search, generally, we become impatient, lose faith and our trust in the process waivers.
Each and every day we navigate through transitions because it is the transitions that create out new normal. Some are in our control and some are not. The new normal is never's temporary as a new normal will reveal itself as you begin to upgrade and uplevel.
Even though the answers are not immediate, you still get to decide how you want to show up each and every day. What vibes (energy) will you spend the majority of your day in? Common vibes? Uncommon vibes?
Learn more about navigating a new normal and how tapping into Uncommon Vibes can support you in moving through transitions to that new space.
Send me a DM or drop a comment below to let me know what you are taking away from this video.
How do you navigate through transitions?
Ready to Build Your Life with Uncommon Vibes? This PDF is a great place to start!
Download here:
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Welcome to Uncommon Vibes Podcast | Introduction
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
If you are listening to this podcast, you are ready to uplevel, upgrade or shift in some way. You wouldn't be here if you weren't experiencing a shift in some way.
On a daily basis, we go through numerous transitions of any size as we navigate to a new normal. It is our responsibility to show up utilizing uncommon vibes.
We have a choice. We have been empowered with the ability to choose. The question is what will you chose?
What do you do each day to set yourself up to tap into the uncommon vibes? You can't get up each morning dragging yesterday's thoughts, feelings and emotions into your day and expect that you are going to live anything other than living in a common vibe.
It's time to break up those common patterns, habits and old energies that do not serve us.
Learning how to tap into energies that serve you powerfully is what uncommon vibes are about especially in the transitions of life.
Without a doubt, your identity, potential and fulfillment will be challenged. It is a sign that you are transitioning through an upgrade to a normal. Resisting, a common vibe, does not align with the fullest expression of yourself.
This podcast will not be limited to one specific area of life because each area of life deserves to be led with uncommon vibes.
My wish for you is that you begin to identify the parts of your life where you are leading with common vibes and change that to lead with uncommon vibes so that you can create aligned greatness in a heart centered life.
What your your feelings on building your life with uncommon vibes?
Shoot me a DM on Messenger or Instagram!
Let the light of uncommon vibes lead your way,
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
The Hustler Burnout
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
It’s the new buzz…
You gotta H U S T L E…
You have to bust it, grind it out, work harder, be a hustler…
But what happens when you hit hustler burnout?
No one talks about that…
And for most people, it’s all too real.
I still find myself at times caught in the hustle trap and when I do, I can feel the stress build up, things don’t go as planned, sometimes there’s mass chaos, overwhelm and frustration sets in.
They are all reminders to me to step back and observe how being in the hustle is negating 5 important principles to growth and abundance.
Moving out of the hustlin’ movement requires you to step into expansiveness. This 5 Simplicities to Expansive Growth (including videos) will support you. Get the guide here:
For more unhustling, join us in the LeadHerShip Community:
Friday Nov 08, 2019
The Upheaval of the Uplevel
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
What do you do when your life feels like it is falling apart in the middle of an uplevel? You know exactly what I’m talking about because we have all experienced it.
You’ve set a goal…
You have a desire…
You masterfully designed your intention…
But now as you prepare to step fully into the uplevel, there’s a gigantic upheaval!! In those moments, self-sabotage creeps back in, overwhelm, exhaustion, frustration, and any low vibrational energy level that will absolutely have you retreat out of the uplevel.
What if the upheaval was part of the process of the uplevel?
In this episode, I share my experiences of the upheaval along with things you should consider. Remember, you are not defined by your current situation...the upheaval.
If you want to learn some different ways to move through the upheaval and liberate your greatness, catch the full episode here:
Surround yourself with the right people...join the LeadHerShip CEOs
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
4 Powerful Questions to Move Through a Block
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Do you have some sort of block that is holding you back from what you truly deserve? We don’t realize how easy it is to let a belief attach it self to disempowering thoughts.
Use these 4 Questions which come from The Work of Byron Katie.
When you believe something that feels heavy to you, you are attaching yourself to disempowering thoughts which lead to suffering, pain and lower vibrational energy levels.
When you believe something that feels light to you, you are attaching empowering thoughts which lead to happiness, joy, bliss and higher vibrational energy levels. These high levels is where the creative expansiveness exists.
If you’d like to see the full episode where I also share a powerful visualization along with 4 tips for you to get the most out of these 4 questions, you can view it here:
Finally, the C.L.E.A.R. Method compliments these 4 questions and will support you in accelerating your growth. This PDF takes you step by step through the C.L.E.A.R. Method. Use this link to get it through Messenger:
Monday Nov 04, 2019
How You Get Suckered into Self-Sabotage
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Have you ever wondered how you end up in that place of self-sabotage over and over and over again?
One minute you feel like you are done with all that B.S. and the next minute you’re back into the old patterns repeating the never ending loop of self-sabotage.
The first thing we need to realize is what exactly is self-sabotage. I define self-sabotage as resistance to expansion. It is the old self trying to control and destroy anything new.
Keep in mind that the old self is filled with the garbage of the past...the limiting beliefs, thoughts, and actions. It also loves avoidance, procrastination and self-judgement.
In this episode, you will learn exactly how you get suckered into self-sabotage. Creating awareness around these ways will support you in liberating your greatness.
Access the full episode here:
Come join the tribe of LeadHerShip CEOs (Creators of Expansive Opportunities) and surround yourself with heart-centered women that are believe they are made for more (because they absolutely are). Join here:
Download the 9 Steps to Reconnect with Your True Self: What would be different for you if let go of self-sabotage? Let’s create a plan for you to move out of self-sabotage and liberate your greatness.
Message me to set up a time:
Friday Nov 01, 2019
How You are Disrupting Your Balance
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Work-Life balance...what a disproportionate statement because within life is work. You can’t compare life and work to achieve balance.
Perhaps it’s time we expand and look at all areas of life to create a balance based on our own definition. For me, I’ve broken down my life into 5 categories: health, relationships, financial, recreation, and spirituality. Balance works best for me when those areas are aligned with my heart and not my ego.
Explore some simple questions :
- What does balance look like to you?
- How do you define balance?is balance
- Where would you like to have more balance based on the way you define it?
- What speaks to you from your heart?
I use to think I should live the ‘imperfect balance’. However, that was filled with pushing through stress, never say ‘no’, work harder, overwhelm state’s all a wounded state.
If you are trying to build balance within any relationship (with your health,career, business, people) from wounded places, it will never work.
This empowered framework will serve you greatly provided you dive into the bulls-eye rather than playing on the outside of the target. It’s about having a fluid, flowing state of balance rather than rigidity in the categories of our life.
Let me know what you are taking away and receiving (hint, hint...receiving) from this video.
Want to learn more? Catch the full episode here:
Join the community of heart-centered women here in the LeadHerShip CEOs community:
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
5 Ways You are Blocking the Flow of Receiving
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
We are so tuned in to giving, but are we equally as tuned in to receiving? When you think about receiving, can you honestly say you fully receive?
It’s interesting because many have been conditioned to believe that it is better to give than to receive. It’s a flowing duality that must co-exist. You can’t continue to give, give, give, give, without receiving.
In this episode, learn 3 ways you are blocking the flow of receiving. There’s 5 total so if you’d like the full episode, you can catch it here:
In addition, the full episode includes ways to get into the flow of receiving. Simple, but impactful.
Don’t forget to become a part of the LeadHerShip CEOs community:
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
What's Really Causing Your Lack of Commitment to Your Decision?
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Why is it so challenging to fully commit to your decision?
You know you want the goal, the desire, the visualized outcome…
Yet, something is holding you back….
Does resistance play into your lack of commitment? Absolutely.
However, so does your joy meter, your fears, your worthiness, your disconnection, your attachment to the outcome, your ability to trust and so much more.
Create more awareness around why you do the things you do…
Why you keep running the hamster wheel of the same habits and patterns that do not serve your higher self.
I invite you to dive in and do the work and truly reflect on what’s really causing your lack of commitment to your decision.
Shoot me a message here and let me know what comes up for you!
You can catch the full episode here:
Understanding your habits, patterns and limiting beliefs will support you in journey. Here’s 10 of my favorite books that supported me!
Deep within your soul, you know you were made for more. Period. Go Fly Your Ship.
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
When Resistance Calls, Do You Answer the Call?
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Let’s face it, there’s a goal that you still want to achieve, something that you want a ‘redo’ on or perhaps there is something brand new on your horizon that you want to go for.
You’ve made that decision, “Yes! I’m going for it!” on day 1.
On Day 2 or beyond, the proclamation is met with resistance.
How we move through resistance will either support us or disempower us. Resistance is like a thread but our perception of it is like a steel cable.
In this episode, you will learn 3 ways you are answering the call of resistance.
To Your Expansiveness,
Michelle Shutter
Want to catch the other 2 ways that you are answering the resistance call? The 5th way is a game changer…
You can check them out here (just fast forward to the 23:30 minute mark):
If you are a heart-centered woman who has a vision that is ready to be expanded, I invite you to surround yourself with other like-minded women in the LeadHerShip CEOs (Creator of Expansive Opportunities) community:
Looking for a way to break through resistance and powerfully step into your expansive vision? Shoot me a message!
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
It's Never Too Late
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
It's Never Too Late
Welcome to the first episode of the LeadHerShip CEO (Creator of Expansive Opportunities) podcast! Thank you for taking the time to embark on this new journey with me.
A podcast...aaaahhhh...I almost succumbed to what I considered 'fact' that it was too late to do something like this.
Here's what I know...this podcast is a piece of my ever expanding vision. It is my intention to provide episodes to you that are impactful and encourage you to challenge the modern, conditioned style of life.
The world is CRAVING more heart centered women just like yourself to take any size vision and create expansive opportunities in all areas of life.
In this episode, I share 3 reasons why it is never too late...yes #2 is absolutely true.
Here's what I know...
Deep in your soul you have an inner knowing and belief that you were made for more. Period. I agree with you 100%.
Now Go Fly Your Ship.
Love and Light,
Michelle Shutter
P.S. In this episode, I mentioned a book list that I put together for you.
You can grab it here --->
Join the LeadHerShip CEOs community: